Name: Luke Croom
Take a look at the magazine which is closest to the one you will be creating and answer the following questions:
Name of the magazine that is closest to the one you will be creating: Match magazine.
What month and year is the issue from: March 29-April 4 2011.
1. Who is the target audience for this magazine? What are clues are given (take a look at the image used and the language used—explain in detail): This magazine is targeted at teenagers who take interest in football it is mainly targeted at boys rather than girls. The cover is of the magazine is filled up with male footballers who youths would look up to for inspiration.
- Describe how the person on the front cover looks—use adjectives.
The front cover has 5 pictures of some of the biggest premier league players.
All of them look very passionate about football. You can see the emotion in their faces. The pictures show the players surrounding the premier league trophy and how important it is for them to win it. Some of the players are celebrating because the either have scored a goal or achieved something spectacular whereas some other players have their hands on their heads or covering their face in shame because they have not achieved or have not scored when they should of.
- Magazine covers are also considered advertisements. What are the techniques that this magazine uses to sell their magazine to their readers?
This magazine stands out from other magazines as it is very bright and has footballers that youths look up to. It also has on the cover sneak peaks of what is inside the magazine encouraging people to buy it to see what is inside. They also talk about FIFA11 on the cover also trying to make people buy the magazine to see what it is about. It has a clear bright red title saying “MATCH” it has a lot of other colours on the cover attracting people to it. It also has in the top left hand corner a sign saying “9 posters” people will want to see what those posters are and who is on the posters.
- Take a look at the image on the front cover. What do each of the following connote to the reader:
Body language:
Eye contact: Not looking towards the camera/ the reader of the magazine
Facial expression: Looks angry, looks like something bad has happened in the football match.
Clothing: Manchester united football kit.
Camera angle and lighting: One side of his face is light and one side of his face is dark.
Makeup: He is not wearing any make up
- Does the front page convey responsible messages to the target audience? Say why or why not.
The cover does convey a responsible message to youths because there is no under aged or over aged activates displayed on the cover of the magazine. It shows a very passionate they are about football. I think it conveys a responsible message.
- What information does the cover give you about what the magazine contains?
This magazine has facts all over the cover of the magazine about what’s inside of the magazine. It basically gives you enough information to make you want to buy it to read more and see who is on that poster or what the poster is about.
- What do the following convey (what do they potentially mean) to the potential reader?
- The title: Match
Football matches are usually referred to as ‘the match’, so that makes the title relevant and stand out to other football magazines.
- The image on the front cover: On the front cover John Terry is standing there screaming in shock or in enjoyment because of a particular thing that has happened but we cannot see it. He seems like he’s trying to speak to some one but has to shout to get heard over the big crowd. He is trying to tell he’s team certain tactics on how to win he is the captain so he needs to command his team on the pitch.
- Do you think the cover will appeal to a potential reader? Explain how and why.
Yes the cover of the magazine will appeal to a reader because it is bright, colourful, eye catching and stands out more than over sports magazine. It has information about what’s inside of the magazine which helps to bring the reader into buying the magazine. It has all the stars of the premier league and information about what they do besides play football.
- How is it similar to titles in the same genre? How is it different?
Match magazine is very similar to other football magazines because in other football magazines they try to use the same structure and get the same information on certain players, matches, transfers whereas other magazines might not do this. Match magazine has pages for players where they can express themselves and show how there life is other than being a footballer. Match magazine focuses mainly on the English football leagues unlike some other international football magazines like world soccer magazine but will some times refer to other international leagues for others to see what football is like in other countries.
Treatment for my magazine:
Will you be working in a pair or by yourself? If working in a pair, who will you be working with?
I will be working in a pair with Dayo Babayale
What genre will your magazine belong to (circle one)?
Women’s lifestyle Men’s lifestyle Teen (girls) Teen (boys)
TV Listings Celebrity Film Music (state genre of
Hobbies Nature Other (explain): SPORT
What is the name of the magazine closest to the one you hope to create: Match Magazine
Who is your target audience (readership):
Gender (circle one): Male / Female / Both
Age (give an age range):12-18
Class: Working class / Middle class / Upper class
Provide an explanation of what your magazine will include (e.g.; If an R&B/rap magazine: Front cover featuring Jay Z, Exclusive Interview with Jay Z and Beyonce, etc). Will there be any regular features?
The magazine cover will feature a group of future hopefuls in the football industry, playing football. We will include exclusive interviews of players who are participated in the FA cup final. We will also have pre-match build up to the big football match in Wembley, the champions league final, Manchester united versus Barcelona .